With tight budgets an aquatic trade show or industry conference may not be on your calendar this year. Not to worry – there’s a convenient and inexpensive way to stay up to date on everything you need to know as a pool pro. Check out the top aquatic trade magazines supporting our industry below. Most are advertisement driven – making them low or no cost to aquatic professionals. Links below each description take you directly to the subscription pages for each publication.
Aquatics International

The go-to resource for Aquatic Directors, AI is a trusted industry leader in aquatic facility management. Topics cover poolside programming, personnel and operations in this comprehensive publication.
Pool and Spa News
Design, construction, maintenance – it’s all covered in the engineering focused Pool and Spa News. Even better, Pool and Spa News and Aquatic International use the same publisher. Sign up for both with this link.
Recreation Management
Parks, rec, sports, fitness and always an insert for aquatics, Recreation Management is a one stop shop for many industry professionals. Their in-print version is big, bold, colorful and full of great ideas and resources. It’s a welcome addition to any mailbox once a month.

If your pool business leans more residential than commercial, you’ll enjoy Aqua. It focuses on backyard pools and the unique needs of the aquatic professionals who maintain them.
Pool Pro
Pool Pro is more focused on pool builders, pool route managers and trade focused aquatic industry professionals. If you’re getting wet and dirty building and maintaining pools; this low-cost subscription is worth its weight in gold.
Campus Rec

Work for a college or university? Campus Rec is for you. They scan a network of the best schools around the country for best-practices and programming ideas for a campus community that can be a tricky demographic to engage.
World Waterpark
World Waterpark isn’t just for theme park operators. Their columnists are second to none and offer great insight to all thing’s aquatics and facility maintenance. Of course, if you’ve got a waterslide, rock wall or surf simulator this periodical is a must.
Pool Magazine
Pool Magazine caters to residential pool pros who build dream backyards, run pool routes and maintain equipment for multiple clients at multiple sites. A constant stream of content on the latest technology, product reviews and chemical options is available in digital and print formats.
Athletic Business
Athletic Business is a fantastic resource for athletic, fitness and recreation professionals. From their digital edition you can find in-depth articles, interviews, news, photo galleries and videos making Athletic Business a well-rounded trade magazine for any pool pro. They also publish a yearly buyer’s guide that is an indispensable reference. Next time you wonder where to buy something for your pool, look no further.
Pool and Spa Marketing
From home spas to commercial wave pools, Pool and Spa Marketing covers it all. If you’re looking for a complete industry trade magazine, this is it. Case studies, continuing education, webinar series and a yearly salary survey round out their website making it an invaluable industry resource.
Park and Rec Business
If your job crosses to the dry-side, Parks and Rec Business may be right up your alley. The digital issue stands out with a reader friendly format designed for your devices and there’s always a significant focus on aquatics in every edition.
National Drowning Prevention Alliance
NDRPA is a trusted partner in our industry, offering non-biased, academically supported research working tirelessly to reduce the risk of drowning in our communities. Their digital blog is a free resource worth reviewing regularly.
Swim Coach Publications
Coaching a swim team? The three magazines below are low or no cost. They make planning drills, sets, trainings camps and swim meets a breeze. Faster swimmers guaranteed.